LTJ Bukem – Music (Technicolour Rework) [Good Looking]

LTJ Bukem‘s legendary Good Looking Records has been somewhat dormant for a few years now, despite continual promises from Bukem that the label will be making a resurgence. However it seems the man has finally made true on said promises, as the last couple of months have seen the first releases on the label since 2009. The latest of these is a rather tasty rework of Bukem’s classic Music by deep liquid maestro Technicolour (of Technimatic). The rework aptly captures the spirit of the original but brings the tempo up a little in line with more modern D&B releases. Smooth vibes all the way.

Over on the flip the original has been repressed, and for anyone who might have missed the 90s heyday, here it is in all it’s 10 minute long glory! Go grab yourself a copy of the release on white label from the Good Looking Store.


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