MethLab: DATSNARETHO Competition

Think you know your D&B snare drums? Well this might be the test for you…to celebrate the release of their forthcoming MethLab // 1 EP, the team at MethLab Agency are giving away a copy of the EP and a t-shirt to whoever can correctly identify the 15 MethLab artists behind each snare in the clip below, with one each from Allied, Audeka, Billain, Broken Note, Cause4Concern, Current Value,  Disphonia, Disprove, Kursa, Maztek, Minor Rain, The Sect, Rawtekk, Signs & Silent Witness.

You’ve only got until Friday so get to it! Full details on how to enter (and how to get your hands on the pack of 30 free snares) are on the Soundcloud page here…get guessing crew.

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