Conduct – Bat Country [Blu Mar Ten]

Blu Mar Ten Music continue winding up towards the release of their latest solo artist album with a second single from the rather talented Conduct. As we’ve come to expect from BMTM the musicality on show here is breathtaking, providing ample proof that D&B can be about so much more than just forgettable dancefloor fodder.

The solemn guitar work on lead track Bat Country brings to mind equal parts latter-day Earth (check their excellent album Hex; or printing in the Infernal Method) and the soundtrack to a tense saloon stand-off in some imaginary Western. Said licks combine surprisingly well with the obviously synthetic bassline elements later in the track for a decidedly moody aesthetic.

Over on the flip, Beta’s Error goes in super deep, eschewing any kind of rolling or stepping drum pattern for sparse, echoing kicks and percussive glitches, allowing the creepily treated vocals and melancholy atmospheres space to breathe. The influence of shoegaze and post-rock definitely seeps into Conduct’s sound on this one, and the results are sublime.

As usual you can pick this one up from the Blu Mar Ten store on vinyl or digital, and we’d encourage you to grab a copy right now, because this is undoubtedly one of the finest pieces of music to cross our inbox this year.

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